We can all SMILE during the stay home order and we would love to see how you’re doing it! The little things that you’re doing are actually making a big impact in someone’s life around you. We would love to see how you are serving during this time. Post your pictures or videos and be sure to use the hashtag #SMILEandSERVE.

Here are some ways that you can #SMILEandSERVE while social distancing:

  1. Video chat with family that you haven’t seen in awhile

  2. Digitally send a greeting card of encouragement

  3. Grocery shop for someone who is unable to

  4. Neighborhood prayer walk

  5. Draw words of encouragement on the sidewalk

  6. Donate blood

  7. Thank you cards to Doctors, Nurses and First Responders


A volunteer from our Bellevue location at Champions Centre set this up for her neighborhood and friends. This is one way to SMILEandSERVE – Spring Up Your Day with a bundle of flowers!

