Grocery Love

During this season, we’ve been able to help almost 200 families with things like grocery shopping, rent payments, purchasing needed items, connecting with outside resources and so much more. Here is one of the stories:

We received a request from a woman who lives in Arizona. Her parents are in their 70’s, have underlying health issues and take care of their adult son with disabilities. The daughter (we’ll call her Susan) reached out with concern as her parents had not been able to go to the store for groceries and such. Susan had done her best to purchase their necessary items on websites that could deliver however, she was unable to purchase basic necessities as there were none available online. 

We were able to purchase groceries and items for their family. Upon delivery, the family was beyond overjoyed. In tears, Susan went on to tell us that she had felt hopeless but is so grateful and feels like she can hope again, and that she knows her family is going to make it.  


Reach out to your friends, family and neighbors and see how you can #SMILEandSERVE in your community today! #SMILEandSERVE is: Spreading Meaningful Impact by Loving Everyone. Write an encouraging note, hand a flower to a friend, hold the door, pick up groceries and so much more!

Remember to tag us @ChampionsFoundation in your photos and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Summer Love

